Hi everyone,
My name is Jake Donazzolo and I enjoy challanges and thats my i'm taking this class. This year I adopted a new sport called All Star cheerleading. Sports have always been a huge part of my life and sometimes I mistake sports for being more important than school. I also work as a lifeguard at the YMCA and downtown Grand Rapids at Richmond pool in the spare time that I don't have. Im very excited to see what this class has to offer me but also very nervous. I hope to get a very good idea of how to study and prepare for a college-like class during the course. I'm going into the medical field so this class with give me a good base in terms of science classes. I want to go go college out of the state as far away as I can just being I want to start my own life and I'm very sick of the same old same old in Michigan. So that's just a little bit about me. I hope you enjoy.